[PRESS RELEASE] New York, February 28, 2020— National Dance Institute was named an Official Charity Partner of the 2020 TCS New York City Marathon. The race, celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, will take place on Sunday, November 1, 2020.

“National Dance Institute is thrilled to be a part of the New York City Marathon’s 50th anniversary as an Official Charity Partner for this year’s race. Team NDI will raise funds to benefit children in 44 public schools throughout New York City as we promote health and fitness in our dance programs,” said Traci Lester, NDI Executive Director. “The TCS New York City Marathon provides an amazing platform for hundreds of nonprofit organizations to raise awareness and funds toward their missions. We are proud to support our team on their journey to the iconic finish line.”

NDI believes that the arts have a unique power to engage children of every background, ability, and socio-economic position, and motivate them toward excellence. Through the funds raised as part of this charity partner program, Team NDI will be able to help bring the transformative power of the arts into the lives of over 6,500 children throughout New York City public schools.

NDI was founded in 1976 by ballet star Jacques d’Amboise, an avid runner who ran in the first New York City Marathon to cover all five boroughs that same year. “Physical activity is vital to the health and well-being of all children. Practice, rigor and team building are values that we instill at NDI,” said Ellen Weinstein, NDI Artistic Director. ”Similarly, Team NDI will mirror these values in their training and completion of this marathon.”

More than 450 official charity partners will be part of the 2020 TCS New York City Marathon, providing thousands the opportunity to run in the world’s most popular marathon. This year, in honor of the marathon’s 50th anniversary, NYRR has committed to working with their partners to exceed a goal of $50 million raised for charity through this year’s race.

“New York Road Runners is honored to have National Dance Institute joining us on our mission to raise a record-breaking $50 million for charity at this year’s TCS New York City Marathon,” said Michael Capiraso, president and CEO at NYRR. “Over the last 50 years, the New York City Marathon has exemplified the running community’s spirit of giving back, and no group demonstrates that more than the thousands who choose to run for charity. We are proud to support the efforts of the NDI and wish them the best of luck as they begin their journey.”

Since its inception in 2006, the TCS New York City Marathon official charity partner program has raised more than $350 million for worthy causes across the globe. For more information on the Official Charity Partner Program, please visit https://www.nyrr.org/tcsnycmarathon/runners/charities.

Interested in joining Team NDI? Learn more and apply online at www.NationalDance.org/run-for-ndi.

About NDI

National Dance Institute (NDI) is a non-profit arts education organization founded in 1976 by ballet star Jacques d’Amboise. Through school partnerships, after-school classes, public performances, and teaching artist trainings, NDI uses dance as a catalyst to engage children and motivate them toward excellence both in school and in life. Through accessible and meaningful arts opportunities in which children from all walks of life can participate, NDI’s arts education programs create an equitable playing field and share our vision of what New York City and beyond could and should be—an all-inclusive community where each child is valued, celebrated, and empowered to achieve more than he or she ever dreamed possible. Since its founding, NDI has empowered the lives of more than 2 million children. NDI’s core programs are offered to all children free of charge. NDI’s core programs are offered to all children free of charge. 

About the TCS New York City Marathon

The TCS New York City Marathon is the largest marathon in the world and the signature event of New York Road Runners (NYRR), the world’s premier community running organization. The race is held annually on the first Sunday of November and includes over 50,000 runners, from the world’s top professional athletes to runners of all ages and abilities, including over 9,000 charity runners. Participants from over 125 countries tour the diverse neighborhoods of New York City’s five boroughs—Staten Island, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Manhattan. Race morning also features the Rising New York Road Runners Youth Invitational at the TCS New York City Marathon, a race within Central Park that ends at the marathon finish line. More than one million spectators and 10,000 volunteers line the city’s streets in support of the runners, while millions more watch the globally televised broadcast. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), a leading global IT services, consulting, and business solutions organization, is the premier partner of NYRR and the title sponsor of the TCS New York City Marathon. The 50th running of the TCS New York City Marathon is set for November 1, 2020. To learn more, visit www.tcsnycmarathon.org.


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