With your support, National Dance Institute’s world-renowned arts education programs will impact the lives of thousands of school children this year through the transformative power of dance and music. With you by our side, we will instill in students a love of the arts, a passion for learning, and a desire to strive for their personal best—both in the classroom and beyond.

There are three easy ways to make a donation to National Dance Institute:

  • Email, mail, or fax your donation. Please print and complete this Donation Form (PDF):

    • Email your donation form to Emily Hirsch Katz, Deputy Director of Advancement, at ekatz@nationaldance.org;
    • Mail your donation form with a check (made payable to National Dance Institute) to: National Dance Institute, 217 W. 147th St., New York, NY 10039;
    • Fax your donation form to (212) 226-0761.
  • Call (212) 226-0083 and we will happily take your donation over the phone.

IRS Form 990 is available upon request.

Other Ways to Give:

 NDI CenterStage

Become a member of NDI CenterStage, our annual membership program, and join a visionary collective of NDI supporters who believe in the power of the arts in the life of a child.

Join an association of friends of NDI in their 20s, 30s, and 40s dedicated to uplifting and expanding the NDI community.

National Dance Institute’s StarChild program provides direct support to our partner schools so that thousands of students can experience NDI in their classrooms.

The Star Builder’s Club is NDI’s recurring giving program, a convenient and effective way to give regularly.

Leave a Legacy

NDI’s Silver Star Society honors the generosity of individuals who have included NDI in their wills or estate plans.

Naming opportunities allow our most generous supporters to have their name and legacy live on at the National Dance Institute’s center in Harlem.

Partner with NDI to invest in your community, and achieve your business and philanthropic goals.

Donate time, products, or services to NDI!

Start Fundraising
Build Your Own NDI Fundraiser

Share the NDI love by launching your own online fundraiser! It takes only a minute to set up with our easy-to-use template. The funds you raise through our “I ♥ NDI” campaign will keep NDI’s education programs alive and flourishing.

NDI is a 501 (c) (3), non-profit organization that relies on the extraordinary generosity of the public and private sectors in carrying out its mission. NDI’s EIN is 13-2890779. We are deeply grateful for your support.