When you include NDI in your estate plans, you ensure that thousands of children each year will have their lives transformed through the arts.
In addition to special invitations throughout the year and ongoing recognition of your dedication to NDI, as a member of the Silver Star Society, you will have the deep satisfaction of knowing you are fostering NDI’s commitment to building vibrant arts and learning communities where children work together toward common goals, reach new heights of achievement side by side, and fulfill dreams they never thought possible.
“I have donated to NDI for over 30 years, so it made perfect sense for me to join NDI’s Silver Star Society to leave a legacy to the organization. I am happy to know that I can help NDI to provide children with formative and joyful experiences for years to come.”
-Gayle Griffith, Silver Star Society Member

Give Through a Will or Living Trust
Your bequest will provide future generations of children with free arts education programs. Example wording to share with your attorney: “I give (bequeath, devise) ___________ to National Dance Institute, Inc., of New York, NY, to be used for its general purposes.”

Include NDI on a Life Insurance Policy

Establish a Charitable Annuity

Appreciated Securities
Earned interest from stocks, bonds, and mutual funds provides school children with engaging instruction in dance and music, while also avoiding capital gains for your heirs.

Real Estate or Personal Property
Artwork, personal residences, and other tangible valuables can fill the arts education gap, and offer a charitable tax credit.

IRA or 401(k) Rollover
Supporters who are at least 70.5 years old can harness the power of the arts immediately by giving directly from qualified retirement plans.

“The biggest gift we can leave to the generations of learners
who will follow us is that of a complete education, and an
education is only whole when the arts are a part of it.”
–Jacques d’Amboise
Become a member of NDI’s Silver Star Society and help future generations of children reach for the stars.
To receive more information about Planned Giving at NDI, contact Brooke Berescik-Johns, Director of Individual Giving, or join our mailing list below.
If you have already included National Dance Institute in your estate planning, we thank you. Please contact Brooke Berescik-Johns, Director of Individual Giving, so that we may recognize you as a member of the Silver Star Society.
National Dance Institute, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit
Federal Tax ID: 13-2890779
217 West 147th Street, New York, NY 10039